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Thanks to Jen at Create It Yourself! for nominating me for the Lovely Blog Award!

She has been faithfully reading my humble posts and leaving encouraging commentary and I’m happy to have received this award!

Rules of acceptance:

  • Thank the person/people who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
  • Share seven possibly unknown things about yourself. -Nominate fifteen or so bloggers you admire.
  • Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know and link back to them.

Here are seven things you may not know about me:

  1. We are eagerly awaiting the birth of our second daughter …. it just couldn’t come any sooner!
  2. I have been carefully tending a rather large garden this spring & summer and get very excited about every new flower and sprout that appears on our plants!
  3. If it was cost-effective, my kitchen would be chock-full of Le Crueset!!
  4. I’m a city girl that loves various aspects of country living and I want to own my own chickens someday soon.
  5. I wish I could have a friend visit everyday, since I enjoy their company and conversations!
  6. Paris is the second best city in the world, preceded only by Seattle!
  7. Baking treats for my friends is easily one of my favorite things to do with my time! Especially when they don’t know they will be getting any treats!

Here are some of the blogs I love reading and would like to pass this on to: (some are not food related… but I like that!)

1. Lauren at All Things Simple is always experimenting with exciting new flavors and ideas and inspires me daily!

2. Carly at NakedCarly Art has so much to share with the world and her images and work can keep you simply captivated for hours!

3. With such a kind heart, Chunklet at Yummy Chunklet always has something delicious to share.

4. Trevor at Sis! Boom! can turn even the simplest recipe into something poetic, drool-worthy and keep you giggling down to the last syllable!

5. Liz, That Skinny Chick Can Bake, has become a good friend throughout our adventures together with French Fridays with Dorie and her photography will have you running to the kitchen to whip up something fabulous!

6. Cher, oh Cher – she enthralls us with her constant persistance to overcome “fears” in the kitchen, learning new skills and wowing her friends and family with fabulous bites! Check out The Crazy World of Cher!

7. A fellow parent, Father Trek can write incredibly well and as our first children are nearly the same age, I can appreciate the humor behind all of the things you learn about your child as he/she grows and develops in their first year!

8. I first noticed Lisel’s blog, Lisel Made, when she was Freshly Pressed, but she is always growing something interesting, knitting something fabulous and creating great tutorials for when you just need some time to be crafty!

9. My husband and I have had many a heated debate over each of the posts that have been published at Raising My Rainbow, but we have managed to agree that to face adversity head-on as C.J.’s parents have done is something that you can never be fully prepared for and are constantly amazed at their un-relenting persistence to create a warm and welcoming world for their children to grow in!

10. Susan can certainly Create Amazing Meals and you should just have a look for yourself!

11. Here is a gal not afraid to Always Add More Butter and lives life one succulent bite at a time!

12. Mardi is currently in Paris for the next five weeks doing new and amazing things with her life and talents!! Would you like to make some delicious French Macarons? You better visit her over at Eat. Live. Travel. Write. then!

13. Oh to live in California! Go see what’s cookin’ in Elaine’s kitchen at E Californina Living!

14. Recovering from a recent loss of a lovely, furry friend, There’s a Newf in my Soup, refuses to put down her ladle! There is after all, another furry friend and a family to feed and I have to praise her “glass half full” attitude about life!

15. Things From Scratch is currently the way many people are choosing to cook for their families and between the gardening and delicious recipes she shares – we have many things in common to get excited about, sharing our trials and tribulations both in the kitchen and in the garden!